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As we follow in Jesus' footsteps, we grow in faith, love and learning

Healthy Schools and Bronze Ambassadors

Healthy Schools 

We have organised playpods so that we can use them at lunchtimes. We have dustbins which will hold the equipment so we can have the playpods out.  We would love some new items for the playpods, such as old handbags, scarves, shirts.

We are also trying to get our children to bring water only as a drink. Since the lockdown we have a lot of children bringing squash which is very bad for our teeth if we are drinking through the day. Our policy is water or milk to drink through the day and fruit or veg sticks for snack. Please also remember we are a nut and sesame free school – this includes no Nutella in a sandwich at lunchtime.

Bronze Ambassadors

Our Bronze Ambassadors attend training sessions with Ceredigion Actif, and make sure that we all stay fit and healthy! They run Fit in 5 activities during last play on Fridays.

Both councils meet during first play on a Wednesday.