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As we follow in Jesus' footsteps, we grow in faith, love and learning
Our School  >   School Initiatives  >   Woodland Project

Woodland Project

With funding from the National Lottery Awards for All and a Tesco Community grant in 2018, we were able to lease the woodland behind the school from Aberystwyth University and create a woodland area to which all classes can have access.

The funding allowed a wooden platform to be built which was designed by the pupils. There is a story circle, a mud kitchen and also some great places for den building. The children benefit immensely from being out in the open air and taking their learning outdoors. The older children use the space for orienteering and maths work and the younger children build dens for animals and use it as a space to explore their senses.

With the funding received, we were also able to run an after-school club which any pupil could access. There have also been school to school working groups on maths projects and poetry work with pupils in receipt of the Pupil Development Grant (those who receive free school meals).