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Our School  >   School Initiatives  >   Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools

St Padarn’s has been involved with the National Network of Healthy Schools since it was first introduced in 2000 and remains one of only a few schools in Ceredigion who have achieved national accreditation, in 2013 and have had re-accreditation every two years since.

A health promoting school is one which ‘actively promotes, protects and embeds the physical, mental and social health and well being of its community through positive action’.

The scheme covers seven key areas: food and fitness; mental and emotional health and well-being; personal development and relationships; substance use and misuse; environment; safety; hygiene

Lots of other stakeholders are involved in supporting the delivery of the scheme, for example the School Nursing Team, Police Community Support Officers using the School Beat programme, The Fire Safety Officer, the School Dinner Service and Ceredigion Actif.

Many of the activities, such as work on healthy eating and appropriate food for a lunchbox, safe and unsafe medicines, are delivered as part of our school science curriculum. The work on environment dovetails with our Eco Schools work and involvement in the Sustrans project. The relationships education is delivered as part of our statutory work on RSE and supported by work with the NSPCC.

Pupils are involved in the planning of activities and the Healthy Schools Council take assemblies to update the school on our latest actions.